Ferry Memorial Reformed Church


Join us every Sunday at 10 AM

Ferry Church is a community working together to deepen our knowledge of and love for God. We deeply value community and seek to share God’s love with others through kindness and service. People from all different walks of life, spiritual backgrounds, and perspectives are welcome here. Please come join us!

A Church focused on growing in love for God and making his love known

We've been here since 1874, dedicated to investing in our community’s growth and well-being. We're here to connect with those in need, offering resources, support, and a helping hand.

You are welcome here!

At Ferry, Sundays are a time to come together—reconnecting with friends, making new ones, lifting our voices in song, and reflecting on Scripture. It's a chance to grow in faith and build meaningful relationships within our church family. No matter your age, background, beliefs, or doubts, you have a place at Ferry Church. We’d love to have you join us here, everyone is welcome.

Join us at every Sunday at 10 AM in-person or, online

Ferry Church 

8637 Old Channel Trail, Montague, MI 49437

Email office@ferrychurch.org

Office Hours
Tuesday & Thursday

(231) 894-9415